Giving Advice: Condition Your Heart

We are called to be givers.  Givers of our time, givers of our talents, and givers of our money.  In our modern fast paced world in which we are ever consumed with our work, our families, and often just getting through our day, it is all too easy to lose consciousness of our calling to give.

Giving is essential to living a righteous and fulfilling life.  Here is one simple thing I do that can help you train your heart for giving:

Set a budget of $100 per month (or whatever amount you can afford within your budget) for giving to charities and causes on Facebook.  When you see a friend post that they are raising money for a good cause, take a minute and donate $10-20.  Do this 5-10 times per month.

These small donations help support your friends, they help support your community and people and causes in need.   It also secures you in the habit of consistently identifying opportunities to give and stepping up and taking action.  It conditions your heart for giving.

Be a giver!


“A generous person will prosper;
whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.”

-Proverbs 11:26

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